Welcome to Mindfulbot

Metaphysical Dataset
Real metaphysical solutions culminated from over a decade of spiritual conversation and interaction made accessible by a strong relevance algorithm.
Realtime Knowledge Additions
A 3x hybrid approach from machine-to-machine-to-human lets us push updates to the Mindfulbot mainframe from live and realtime broadcasts!
Soul Coach Handoff
Bots do some things very well and other things they don't. A major part of being mindful means it never crosses that line. Soul Coaches are live in the wing baby!
Ennealogy Handoff
A native Ennealogy integration means all Seekers have access to holistic automations and actionable tasks to keep engaging where they left off on Path.
Enterprise Level SDK Integration
Created for the very realistic future of the Employer being responsible for the metaphysics of their team. Our SDK will allow inline integration and enterprise licensing.
Actionable Automations
Accountability is the force that allows us all to check up on each other and collaborate on the progress. Automations are the meeting grounds for like minds across the ecosystem.